Funny Coast Comedy presents...Danny McGinlay
The Laugh Legends from Funny Coast Comedy bring us another beautifully crafted evening of world class Stand-Up Comedy.
And we’re beyond stoked to bring you our February headline act…the award winning DANNY MCGINLAY.
Coming in hot from Melbourne, he’s one of busiest comedians on the Aussie circuit and we’ve been trying to book him for years. High energy and hilarious, he regularly sells out at the Melbourne Comedy Festival and all over the country.
You’ve got guaranteed laughs with a stacked support line-up that includes Funny Coast Fave MICK NEVEN hosting the show alongside BEN HUNTER -one of the hot new acts out of Brisbane, plus more.
Show room doors open at 6:30pm. The show starts at 7pm. Make sure you get in early for a few froths and a delicious feed before the show