Alex Hines: Girl Culture
Alex Hines: Girl Culture

Alex Hines: Girl Culture

Solbar (Maroochydore, QLD)
Thursday, 8 May 2025 7:00 pm
52 days away
18 Plus

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Girl Culture is having a moment and this b!tch is it.? 

Multi award winning comedian Alex Hines delivers a new hour of camp, absurd, theatrical comedy. A dancing can of Diet Coke, a ballad in a hurricane and an immersive rollercoaster ride - Girl Culture is completely off its head. 

Hines exploded onto the Australian comedy scene with her original brand of comedy - fast paced fanciful narratives,? absurdist comedy and camp aesthetic drenched in 2000s Australian nostalgia. She has toured internationally and opened for Hannah Gadsby and Aunty Donna. Hines has made a name for herself as a unique comedic voice incorporating theatre, sketch, standup, songs and characters into her eclectic work.? 

?If you’re hot, haunted or hanging by a thread - this show is for you.?